
Uh oh, he wants to talk outside. We said we’d talk about this tomorrow. It is not tomorrow yet. But no, this is Kevin, Mr. Think. He’s been thinking again. Damn him. He looked serious. It’s too late and I haven’t had enough sleep to do that ugly serious face. He kept walking to the other side of the pool to the garden that AJ’s mom had set up. I thought he was gonna walk straight into in, but he pulled up at the edge. We couldn’t get much further from the house. He turned around as I said, "What did you want to talk about?"

He smiled, "I don’t want to talk. I couldn’t ask you to come outside so I could kiss you for a while." With that his hand was laced through my hair and his lips were on mine. Soft kisses as we wrapped out arms around each other. "We said no talking until tomorrow."

I stopped sucking his neck, "I thought you’d forgot."

"No way, free reign until tomorrow. At the earliest. Oh god, I like that."

I laughed, "I know you do." I sucked his earlobe again, "They all know."

He kissed my nose, "I don’t care."


"Been out there a while." Brain mused.

"Leave them alone." Lee smacked his shoulder.

I laughed, "They better not destroy my mom’s garden. We can go to her room and see the garden."

Howie laughed, "Ya’ll wouldn’t do that?" We were halfway up the stairs by then. We were at the door to her balcony before Howie got there, "Ok, that’s far enough. A little privacy here. Just watch out the window.

Nick laughed, "You just don’t want the soundtrack to go with the movie."

"Hearing Kevin fuck is something I can live without."

I cackled, "Really, it’s not bad. He’s a moaner, not a talker."

"Why do you know this?" Brian asked.

"I’ve been rooming next to him for years, do you really think I haven’t heard?"

Howie pulled him away from the door, "Well, you’re not gonna hear now. This isn’t some groupie he’s fucking, it’s Tracie. And that makes a difference."

Nick screwed up his face, "I think he might be right."

I thought a second, "I’ll be good out of respect for her."

Lee laughed, "See there’s an upstanding citizen inside."

"Don’t push it. I told myself they could have a week, tops." I pulled back the curtain. "It’s raining."

Lee pushed in, "Are they out there?"

The others crowded in and looked. Nick yelled, "There they are. By the palm."

"I can’t see shit. All I see are flowers."

Nick laughed, "You’re looking to low. They are standing over there by the palm. Kissing."

Lee’s hand went to her mouth, "Oh wow. That is the most romantic thing. Making out in the rain. I bet they don’t even notice."

I shook my head, "Kissing in the rain. Amazing." I look over and Lee is crying. Nick has his arm around her. Now they’re dating and don’t know it too. "Umm, Lee? You ok there, babe? Just kissing."

She glared at me, "It took them forever to figure this out. They are perfect together. They’re not out there fucking, they’re just kissing. I am so fucking jealous."

Then Nick is hugging her, and kissing her head. I turned back to watch the thunderstorm. Big ass lightning. All right, I have to admit that those two out there in the rain locked in a kiss and holding onto each other is yanking at my heart too. While I’m admitting things, they walked in they both looked happy. I like my friends to be happy. We’re in the studio this week. I’m looking forward to that more than ever now.

Everyone headed downstairs and I caught Nick. I waited until they were out of the room, "What are you doing?"

"Going downstairs?"


"I like her."

"No shit. Dump Pam move on. You watch yourself tonight, you have two girlfriends at this party."

Nick thought for a minute, "You’re right."

I opened the French doors, "Hey! You two. Woo hoo, hello. It’s a fucking thunderstorm. Come inside. You can have a room. We need a healthy Kevin in the studio."

They both looked up at me then started laughing. Tracie buried her head against his chest and he kissed her. Now that one got me.

I met them coming in the door, "You know, just go home. I love you both. If you’re FINALLY figuring out you belong together you don’t need to be at a party. You need to be off figuring it out, or just enjoying each other. Bye." They looked at each other and smiled, then hugged me. "Fine now I’m all wet. And don’t think for a second I’m not gonna give you shit about this. I’m gonna give you a few days to talk it to death first. Go. Have fun storming the castle."


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